Tag Archives: book

Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry, 4th Edition


Stories Guide to Raising Poultry

Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry, 4th Edition

For decades, animal lovers around the world have been turning to Storey’s guides for the best instruction on everything from hatching chickens to starting and maintaining a full-fledged livestock business. Whether you have been raising animals for a few months or a few decades, the Storey series offers clear, in-depth information on a variety of breeds, latest production methods, and updated health care advice. The 4th edition has been updated for the twenty-first century and contains all the information you will need to raise healthy and content animals.

This revised edition written by Glenn Drowns is in my opinion the only book you need to raise a wide range of poultry from chickens and turkeys to guineas and pheasants. Glenn Drowns, an expert on rare breeds and varieties of turkeys, ducks, and geese delivers everything you need to know to raise healthy, safe poultry in just 464 pages complete with illustrations and a nice glossary.
A diverse flock of poultry can provide free-range meat, eggs, and endless entertainment. Whether you’re running a large farm or raising a few birds in your backyard, Glenn Drowns tells you everything you need to know about health care, breed selection, housing, breeding, incubating, daily feeding, day to day care and the processing meat and eggs.

Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry
Storey Publications

Submitted by Michelle Coleman

The Chicken Encyclopedia

The chicken encyclopedia

The Chicken Encyclopedia

This great book written by Gail Damerow is an A-to-Z reference that is both informative and entertaining. Organized alphabetically by term, it covers topics such as anatomy, breeds, coop components, and health problems. Full-color breed illustrations, along with detailed line drawings, such as one depicting how to determine an egg’s age from its position when placed in water, add both visual appeal and substantive information. Tables ease comprehension of complicated subjects like predator identification. It also touches on subjects from addled to wind egg, crossed beak to zygote, the terminology of everything chicken is demystified in this illustrated A-to-Z reference. If it concerns chickens, it’s covered in this comprehensive encyclopedia. You will be sure  to find breed descriptions; definitions of common chicken conditions, situations, and behaviors; and much more. Whether it’s the differences among wry tail, split tail, and gamy tail; the meaning of hen feathered, forced molt or quill feather; the content of granite grit; the characteristics of droopy wing; or the translation of a chicken’s alarm call, here are the answers to every chicken question and quandary. This book is a quick reference, but is not meant to be a how-to book, but would go great with Storey’s  Guide to Raising Poultry.

From Storey Publishing Co.

Submitted b Michelle Coleman